ミシュラン二つ星の『すし 㐂邑』様でkizashiトニックウオーター黄檗(キハダ)をお取扱いただいております。㐂邑様の熟成鮨とkizashiトニックウォーターのノンアルカクテルの協奏をお愉しみください。
We recently called in on Sushi Kimura, the “mature sushi” restaurant where “deliciousness of feeling” reigns and the received wisdom that: “With sushi, fresh is best” is completely overturned. Here were we able to delightfully pair Chef Kimura’s fabulous sushi with a nice non-alcoholic cocktail mixed from wine grape juice and kizashi. So please step into this world of sensory pleasures created by the stunning brilliance of Chef Kimura.