今年で六年連続となりますが、今年度も売り上げの一部を国土緑化推進機構の「緑の募金」に寄付いたしました。「森づくりの輪」を通じて、地域社会と未来の子どもたちの笑顔を守る活動に、少しでも貢献できればと願っています。弊社も、kizashi トニックウォーター 黄檗(キハダ)を製造する際には、キハダの木の恵みを授かっています。私たちは、持続可能な森づくりを念頭において、今後も活動してまいります。
For the 6th year running, hiyori is proud to announce the donation of part of its profits to the National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization’s Green Fund.
Through the “Mori-zukuri no Wa” Afforestation Circle, we wish to contribute in any small way we can to local communities, and help put smiles on the faces of future generations.
When producing kizashi tonic water kihada, for example, we, at hiyori, make sure to look after the blessings of the Amur cork tree.
Sustainable forestation is forever in our thoughts and we will continue contributing towards it.
Finally, we sincerely thank you, our wonderful customers, for your tremendous support for hiyori in 2024. We will be very grateful for your continued support in 2025!